Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Trying to make it above the Mason-Dixon line...

So, this is my first post and there is about an 87% chance that no one will ever read it.  Even so, I'm going to keep on posting hoping for followers. 

Who am I, anyway?
I'm a 31 year old divorced southern girl trying to figure out how things are done up north.  I moved up to Baltimore to be near my sisters, who you will read a lot about here.   My life changed pretty dramatically a couple of years ago when I got divorced, changed careers and moved hundreds of miles away from almost everyone I knew. 

Why am I writing this?
I stumbled upon a blog written by a "single girl telling what it is like to date and live in the city".  I didn't feel like her experiences were anything like mine.  Going out drinking every night and flirting with men, ending with fast food and complaining about not being able to make her morning workouts sort of irritated me.  You are a woman in your 30s...get it together!  It made me want to put another "voice" out there.  I am someone who works hard (in a totally unfamiliar field), works out hard (it keeps me sane), eats healthy (makes me feel good) and spends lots of time with family and friends.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I love drinking and making out with men!  I just try to keep it to the weekends. Ha.

What, exactly will I be writing about?
I will write a little bit about my perspective on dating and some of my experiences.  I will try to keep that to a minimum so as not to embarrass myself too much.  I'm not awesome at dating.  I will probably write about my family and our crazy relationships.  I love, love to cook and eat! Ha, who doesn't??  I will be blogging about food and diet a lot, especially at first because I follow a Paleo diet and recently started something called a Whole 30.  I will talk about that more later.  I'll put some especially good recipes on here when I come across them and post some family recipes from time to time.  I also love working out and being active.  The ridiculously cold winters here keep me indoors most of the year, so I tend to lean towards gym workouts. I like to keep things interesting and as challenging as possible.  I really admire Crossfit and do their workouts a lot, though I don't follow the program religiously.  I'll probably touch on tv shows - I love trashy tv.  I'll also let y'all know if I'm doing anything fun in the city. 

How did I come up with StevieWonderful?
UPDATE 10/18...on the advice of my lovely and clever friend, Saczynski, I've decided to rename the blog from LoveMaryJean to StevieWonderful.  My name is Stevie and about once a day I have to say "yes, Stevie, like Stevie Wonder..." 

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