Thursday, October 27, 2011

Well, I didn't stop until Tuesday.

Yall, a lot has happened since we talked.  I left off on Friday night.  I went out to Cross Street Market for my friend's birthday happy hour.  That was a good time.  We drank big beers and then moved on to No Way Jose, one of my favorites.  I gotta tell you, though, Cross Street had more families early on a Friday night than it had dudes.  Just an FYI.

Saturday I didn't feel awesome after all of the birthday shots from the night before, but I agreed to go to the Rum and Reggae Fest at Lil Havana with some friends.  Now, that was a GOOD time!  All of the tasty rum punch samples you could drink for $15.  We had such a good time that at some point I was looking up flights to Vegas...really, Stevie?? haha  Anyway, I did make a mistake that night.  I met a really nice man that I hit it off with and I probably definitely led him on a bit.  An issue was raised for me that I didn't consider that night...nooooo I waited until we'd spent the whole evening hanging out before it occured to me that I couldn't get involved with this guy.  Here's the issue: I don't generally date men with kids.  He has a lovely six year old daughter and he says that there is no drama with her mom.  Really the problem is that I don't even know if I want my own kids, much less someone else's.  I realize that a LOT of people will see this as super selfish, and maybe that is the case but I'm just being honest.  I gave him my number, and he asked me out on Monday night.  I told him that I don't want to get involved because he has a child and he, of course, is not happy.  I wouldn't say he's angry or hurt...I don't know.  I can just tell he's confused by it and that makes me feel bad.  My mistake was getting too involved with him before telling him this.  I would blame the rum, but it was my own stupid fault. 

So, Monday night I went out to Barfly's to watch Monday Night Football - the Ravens take on the Jaguars.  Now, y'all should know that I LOVE THE JAGUARS.  I don't know how many of you are football fans, but the Jags won that game even though they totally shouldn't have.  I was super excited.  It was also my roommate, P's, birthday so we had a realllyyyyy fun night.  I ended up getting late night food (shame on me) from Hilltop with this guy, C.  It was a really funny situation.  We've met several times at Sly Fox and the gym, so I already sort of knew him though we'd never hung out.  We walked over after the game and hung out for quite a while just eating and chatting.  We had a nice time, or so I thought...he didn't ask for my number!? HAHA  P and my sister, A, say that he probably just figured he'd see me again since we run into each other all the time, but I'm skeptical.  I mean, if you like a girl, you ask for her number.  He's a cute ginger so I hope I'll see him again. 

On a different note, I'm searching for the perfect brown riding boots and I want them to be like, free.  Is that too much to ask?  Really though, this week my shopping is dedicated to my halloween costume.  I'm going as a flapper girl.  Really I'm thinking of my costume as a disco flapper.  There are these multicolored sequins on the costume that I'm not sure are authentic, but I'm going with it!  I'm excited and may post a photo of it if it turns out cute.  I need fishnets and some t-strap mary janes!  What are y'all going as this year?

On a diet/workout note, I'm doing ok on working out.  I took off Sunday cause I was tired and Tuesday for family dinner.  Otherwise, I'm sticking with it.  On diet....welllll that's another story.  Between all of the rum, beer, shots and late night food I feel like I've gained about 10 pounds in the last week.  I will take a week or so off of drinking and get back on track. 

I'll keep y'all posted on C and hopefully by my next post, I'll have lost my extra poundage!

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